Visualize bigrams with dots sized according to frequency.

visualize_bigram_freqs_at(..., token = NULL, facet = NULL, color = facet,
  num_top = 3, point_max_size = 25,
  scale_manual_base = default_scale_manual(), scale_manual_params = list(),
  labs_base = default_labs(), labs_params = list(title =
  "Most Frequently Used Word Pairs"), theme_base = default_theme(),
  theme_params = list())

visualize_bigram_freqs(..., token, color, facet)



dots. Parameters to pass directly to visualize_time().


bare for NSE; character for SE. Name of column in data to use as unit for counting. Probably something like 'word' or 'bigram'.


bare for NSE; character for SE. Name of column in data to use for facetting.


bare for NSE; character for SE. Name of column in data to use for color basis. Even if fill is the actual ggplot2 aesthetic, the internal code will 'coerce' this column to fill. In order to simplify internal code, MUST be specified.


numeric. Number of words to show. If between 0 and 1, then assumed to be a percentage.


numeric. Passed directly to ggplot2::scale_size_area() for the point size.


list. Parameters to pass to ggplot2::scale_fill_manual() or ggplot2::scale_color_manual(), depending on the aesthetic mapping. A default values argument is specified in the internal function default_scale_manual(), so if overwriting explicitly, then values should be included in the list.


list. Additional parameters to pass to ggplot2::scale_fill_manual() or ggplot2::scale_color_manual() (e.g. breaks, labels, or name). The default values specified by scale_manual_base = default_scale_manual() can be overwritten a values argument in this list (or directly with a values argument in the scale_manual_base list.


ggplot2::labs() function. Defaults to a pre-determined set of values. It is recommended NOT to modify this argument; isntead, the _params argument should be used for customization.


list. Additional parameters to pass to ggplot2::labs() to use in addition to and/or override the parameters set in the _base parameter.


ggplot2::theme() function. (e.g. as ggplot2::theme_minimal().) A custom theme is supplied as a default. As with the the labs_base argument, it is NOT recommended to change this directly.


list. Additional parameters to pass to ggplot2::labs(). Should be used in the same manner as labs_params for customization.




compute_freqs_facet_at() should NOT be called beforehand.

See also