Visualize the words that have changed the most across timebin
visualize_change_at(..., token = NULL, num_top = 5, color = token, add_labels = FALSE, scale_manual_base = default_scale_manual(values = rep("grey50", num_top)), scale_manual_params = list(), labs_base = default_labs(), labs_params = list(title = "Tokens with Most Significant Change in Frequency", caption = paste0("Statistical significance is determined by a logistical model\n", "estimating token appearance in a given time period.")), theme_base = default_theme(panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_blank()), theme_params = list(legend.position = ifelse(add_labels, "none", "bottom"))) visualize_change(..., token, timebin, timefloor, color)
... | dots. Parameters passed to |
token | bare for NSE; character for SE. Name of column in |
num_top | numeric. Number of words to show. If between 0 and 1, then assumed to be a percentage. |
color | bare for NSE; character for SE. Name of column in |
add_labels | logical. Whether or not to add labels to the lines. |
scale_manual_base | list. Parameters to pass to |
scale_manual_params | list. Additional parameters to pass to |
labs_base |
labs_params | list. Additional parameters to pass to |
theme_base |
theme_params | list. Additional parameters to pass to |
timebin | bare for NSE; character for SE. Name of column in |
timefloor | character. Name of column passed directly to |
Calls compute_change()
internally. Works similarly to visualize_corrs
(Two data sets are returned from the list that is returned by the compute_