Visualize correlations with a network
visualize_corrs_network_at(..., resize_points = TRUE, size_point = "n", add_point_labels = TRUE, color_point = "grey50", shape_point = 21, seed = 42, labs_base = default_labs(), labs_params = list(title = "Network of Word Pairwise Correlations"), theme_base = default_theme(void = TRUE), theme_params = list()) visualize_corrs_network(..., token, feature)
... | dots. Parameters passed directly to |
resize_points | logical. Indicates whether or not to make size of points correspond to count of words. |
size_point | bare for NSE; character for SE. Name of column in |
add_point_labels | logical. Indicates whether or not to add labels to points. |
color_point | character. Hex value of color_value for points. |
shape_point | numeric. |
seed | numeric. Used to initialize |
labs_base |
labs_params | list. Additional parameters to pass to |
theme_base |
theme_params | list. Additional parameters to pass to |
token | bare for NSE; character for SE. Name of column in |
feature | bare for NSE; character for SE. Name of column in |
It's not straightforward to create _base
and _params
for this function to map to the ggraph
arguments, so explicit arguments
are used (i.e. color_point