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Let’s try to replicate the results shown in the tweet below.

We start by identifying the events that he mentioned. (“Data using Group Stages and Playoffs for VCT Stage 1, 2 and LCQ. International LANs not used (due to likely average tougher competition.”)

events <- load_valorant("events")
events_na2022 <- events |> 
  inner_join(get_all_region_names(), by = "regionId") |> 
  filter(regionName == "North America" & grepl("2022", name)) |> 
  distinct(event_id = id, event_name = name)
#>   event_id                                                 event_name
#> 1     1740           VCT 2022 - North America - Last Chance Qualifier
#> 2     1490    VCT North America 2022 - Stage 2 Challengers - Playoffs
#> 3     1461 VCT North America 2022 - Stage 2 Challengers - Group Stage
#> 4     1286  VCT North America 2022 - Stage 1 Challengers - Main Event
#> 5     1199 VCT North America 2022 - Stage 1 Challengers - Group Stage

And then we grab all series played at those events.

series <- load_valorant("series")

series_na2022 <- series |> 
  rename(event_id = eventId, start_date = startDate) |> 
    by = "event_id"
  ) |> 
  unnest_wider(c(team1, team2), names_sep = "_") |>
    series_id = id, 
#> # A tibble: 100 × 6
#>    series_id event_id team1_id team1_name    team2_id team2_name       
#>        <int>    <int>    <int> <chr>            <int> <chr>            
#>  1     34293     1740     5201 The Guard          305 100 Thieves      
#>  2     34294     1740      617 FaZe Clan          305 100 Thieves      
#>  3     34269     1740      305 100 Thieves        141 Cloud9           
#>  4     34132     1740     5201 The Guard          617 FaZe Clan        
#>  5     34080     1740      141 Cloud9             116 NRG Esports      
#>  6     34079     1740      305 100 Thieves        388 Sentinels        
#>  7     34032     1740     1448 Evil Geniuses      116 NRG Esports      
#>  8     34030     1740      617 FaZe Clan          305 100 Thieves      
#>  9     34031     1740      388 Sentinels         7510 Shopify Rebellion
#> 10     34029     1740     5201 The Guard          141 Cloud9           
#> # ℹ 90 more rows

And all matches in those series.

set_names_from_id_element <- function(x) {
  match_ids <- x |> map_int(~pluck(.x, "id"))
  x |> set_names(match_ids)
matches <- load_valorant("matches") |> set_names_from_id_element()
matches_na2022 <- matches[names(matches) %in% as.character(series_na2022$series_id)]

Before we move on, we should stop and make some helpful “mappings” for IDs for series, matches, players, and teams.

series_player_mapping_na2022 <- matches_na2022 |> 
    ~pluck(.x, "playerStats"),
    .id = "series_id"
  ) |> 
  distinct(series_id, team_number = teamNumber, player_id = playerId) |> 
  mutate(across(series_id, as.integer))

map_pluck_matches <- function(matches, element) {
  matches |> map_int(~pluck(.x, element))

series_team_mapping_na2022 <- tibble(
  series_id = matches_na2022 |> map_pluck_matches("id"),
  `1` = matches_na2022 |> map_pluck_matches("team1Id"),
  `2` = matches_na2022 |> map_pluck_matches("team2Id")
) |> 
    names_to = "team_number",
    values_to = "team_id"
  ) |> 
    across(team_number, as.integer)

series_team_player_mapping_na2022 <- series_player_mapping_na2022 |> 
    series_team_mapping_na2022 |> 
      transmute(series_id, team_number, team_id), 
    by = c("series_id", "team_number")
  ) |> 

series_match_mapping_na2022 <- matches_na2022 |> 
    ~tibble(match_id = pluck(.x, "matches", "id")), 
    .id = "series_id"
  ) |> 
    across(series_id, as.integer)

Next, we grab the round details of all the matches, including round events and load-outs.

## the names for matches are series ids
## the names for match details are match ids (individual maps between two teams)
match_details <- load_valorant("match_details") |> set_names_from_id_element()
match_details_na2022 <- match_details[names(match_details) %in% as.character(series_match_mapping_na2022$match_id)]
cleanly_pluck_from_match_details <- function(match_details, element) {
  match_details |> 
    map_dfr(\(.x) pluck(.x, element), .id = "match_id") |> 
    as_tibble() |> 
      across(match_id, as.integer)

match_events_na2022 <- cleanly_pluck_from_match_details(
econ_na2022 <- cleanly_pluck_from_match_details(

Then, we create a dataframe of weapon kills, combining the match details with the various mappings that we created before.

players <- load_valorant("players")
teams <- get_all_team_names()
weapon_ids <- get_all_weapon_names() |>
    weapon_id = weaponId, 
    weapon = weaponName, 
    weapon_category = weaponCategory

weapon_kills_na2022 <- match_events_na2022 |> 
  filter(!, damageType == "weapon") |> 
    round_id = roundId,
    round_number = roundNumber,
    kill_id = killId,
    killer_id = playerId, 
    victim_id = referencePlayerId,
    killer_weapon_id = weaponId
  ) |> 
  ## data doesn"t list victim"s actual weapon, so we use what they bought in their loadout
    econ_na2022 |> 
        round_id = roundId,
        victim_id = playerId, 
        victim_weapon_id = weaponId
    by = c("match_id", "round_id", "victim_id")
  ) |> 
    by = "match_id"
  ) |> 
    series_team_player_mapping_na2022 |> 
        killer_id = player_id, 
        killer_team_id = team_id
    by = c("series_id", "killer_id")
  ) |> 
    series_team_player_mapping_na2022 |> 
        victim_id = player_id, 
        victim_team_id = team_id
    by = c("series_id", "victim_id")
  ) |>
    players |> select(killer_id = id, killer_ign = ign),
    by = "killer_id"
  ) |> 
    players |> select(victim_id = id, victim_ign = ign),
    by = "victim_id"
  ) |> 
    teams |> select(killer_team_id = id, killer_team_name = name),
    by = "killer_team_id"
  ) |> 
    teams |> select(victim_team_id = id, victim_team_name = name),
    by = "victim_team_id"
  ) |> 
    weapon_ids |> rename_all(~sprintf("killer_%s", .x)),
    by = "killer_weapon_id"
  ) |> 
    weapon_ids |> rename_all(~sprintf("victim_%s", .x)),
    by = "victim_weapon_id"
#> Rows: 34,556
#> Columns: 19
#> $ match_id               <int> 76753, 76753, 76753, 76753, 76753, 76753, 76753…
#> $ round_id               <int> 1196159, 1196159, 1196159, 1196159, 1196159, 11…
#> $ round_number           <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,…
#> $ kill_id                <int> 9730768, 9730772, 9730771, 9730769, 9730770, 97…
#> $ killer_id              <int> 1012, 269, 763, 1012, 1012, 122, 4141, 4141, 26…
#> $ victim_id              <int> 4141, 2551, 1091, 11412, 1804, 1804, 1012, 763,…
#> $ killer_weapon_id       <dbl> 11, 12, 12, 11, 11, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 18,…
#> $ victim_weapon_id       <dbl> 12, 11, 11, 12, 12, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 11,…
#> $ series_id              <int> 34293, 34293, 34293, 34293, 34293, 34293, 34293…
#> $ killer_team_id         <int> 305, 305, 305, 305, 305, 305, 5201, 5201, 305, …
#> $ victim_team_id         <int> 5201, 5201, 5201, 5201, 5201, 5201, 305, 305, 5…
#> $ killer_ign             <chr> "bang", "Derrek", "Asuna", "bang", "bang", "ste…
#> $ victim_ign             <chr> "neT", "Sayaplayer", "JonahP", "trent", "valyn"…
#> $ killer_team_name       <chr> "100 Thieves", "100 Thieves", "100 Thieves", "1…
#> $ victim_team_name       <chr> "The Guard", "The Guard", "The Guard", "The Gua…
#> $ killer_weapon          <chr> "classic", "ghost", "ghost", "classic", "classi…
#> $ killer_weapon_category <chr> "sidearm", "sidearm", "sidearm", "sidearm", "si…
#> $ victim_weapon          <chr> "ghost", "classic", "classic", "ghost", "ghost"…
#> $ victim_weapon_category <chr> "sidearm", "sidearm", "sidearm", "sidearm", "si…

Next, we count up how many kills and deaths individual players had in their Phantom/Vandal vs. Phantom/Vandal scenarios.

rifle_rifle_win_rates_by_player_na2022 <- bind_rows(
  weapon_kills_na2022 |> 
      ign = killer_ign, 
      player_id = killer_id, 
      is_killer = TRUE
  weapon_kills_na2022 |> 
      ign = victim_ign, 
      player_id = victim_id,
      is_killer = FALSE
) |> 
  ## could due ALL rifles for real for real
  # filter(
  #   killer_weapon_category == "rifle" &
  #   victim_weapon_category == "rifle"
  # ) |>
    (killer_weapon %in% c("phantom", "vandal")) &
      (victim_weapon %in% c("phantom", "vandal"))
  ) |>
  count(player_id, ign, is_killer, sort = TRUE) |> 
  group_by(player_id, ign) |> 
  mutate(total = sum(n), prop = n / total) |> 
  ungroup() |> 
  filter(is_killer) |>
  select(-is_killer) |> 
#> # A tibble: 85 × 5
#>    player_id ign           n total  prop
#>        <int> <chr>     <int> <int> <dbl>
#>  1       394 Poach        12    20 0.6  
#>  2      3016 koalanoob    70   122 0.574
#>  3      1802 Cryocells   209   367 0.569
#>  4     11412 trent       344   614 0.560
#>  5      1780 NiSMO       122   218 0.560
#>  6       789 dicey       199   361 0.551
#>  7      3798 Zander      149   272 0.548
#>  8      1804 valyn       336   616 0.545
#>  9      3352 penny        99   182 0.544
#> 10      7025 wippie      135   250 0.54 
#> # ℹ 75 more rows

Before we look at the results, let’s make one final mapping to link players to the last teams that they played with. This adds a bit of extra information for our final results.

last_player_team_mapping_na2022 <- series_team_player_mapping_na2022 |> 
  group_by(player_id) |> 
  slice_max(series_id, n = 1, with_ties = FALSE) |> 
  ungroup() |> 
  select(player_id, team_id) |> 
    players |> select(player_id = id, ign),
    by = "player_id"
  ) |> 
    teams |> 
      select(team_id = id, last_team = name),
    by = "team_id"

Finally, the results. (We use a minimum of 200 fights like Weltis.) The top 10 are very close to those that were posted.

top_rifle_rifle_win_rates_na2022 <- rifle_rifle_win_rates_by_player_na2022 |> 
  filter(total >= 200) |> 
    last_player_team_mapping_na2022 |> select(player_id, last_team),
    by = "player_id"
  ) |> 
    rank = row_number(desc(prop)),
head(top_rifle_rifle_win_rates_na2022, 20)
#> # A tibble: 20 × 6
#>     rank ign       last_team               n total  prop
#>    <int> <chr>     <chr>               <int> <int> <dbl>
#>  1     1 Cryocells XSET (Inactive)       209   367 0.569
#>  2     2 trent     The Guard             344   614 0.560
#>  3     3 NiSMO     Ghost Gaming          122   218 0.560
#>  4     4 dicey     FaZe Clan             199   361 0.551
#>  5     5 Zander    Version1 (Inactive)   149   272 0.548
#>  6     6 valyn     The Guard             336   616 0.545
#>  7     7 wippie    Version1 (Inactive)   135   250 0.54 
#>  8     8 Derrek    100 Thieves           287   535 0.536
#>  9     9 BcJ       XSET (Inactive)       279   522 0.534
#> 10    10 yay       OpTic Gaming          156   294 0.531
#> 11    11 supamen   FaZe Clan             360   679 0.530
#> 12    12 crashies  OpTic Gaming          266   502 0.530
#> 13    13 SicK      Sentinels             169   319 0.530
#> 14    14 TenZ      Sentinels             195   371 0.526
#> 15    15 neT       The Guard             281   538 0.522
#> 16    16 Moose     Shopify Rebellion     272   523 0.520
#> 17    17 Marved    OpTic Gaming          307   591 0.519
#> 18    18 ShahZaM   Sentinels             267   515 0.518
#> 19    19 bang      100 Thieves           298   575 0.518
#> 20    20 skuba     Knights               115   222 0.518

Here’s a direct comparison of our lists.

Player Weltis Rank Weltis % valorantr Rank valorantr %
Cryo 1 58 1 57
NiSMO 2 58 3 56
trent 3 58 2 56
Derrek 4 55 8 54
dicey 5 54 4 55
yay 6 54 10 53
valyn 7 53 6 55
TenZ 8 53 14 53
eeiu 9 53 27 51
s0ms 10 53 21 51